Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Using Core Migration Plugins

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Mauricio Dinarte, a senior software engineer and Drupal migrations expert at Tag1 Consulting has outlined the process of migrating data from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10. The article emphasizes the use of migration plugins provided by Drupal Core. It delves into the differences between handling migrations using Migrate Plus configuration entities and Drupal Core's migration plugins, highlighting the filename patterns, file locations, and change detection methods for each approach. Mauricio explains the benefits and complexities associated with each method, particularly the nuances of managing migrations as configuration entities and core plugins. 

The article also details a step-by-step example of converting a generated migration configuration entity to a core migration plugin, providing practical insights and code snippets. Mauricio also touches on the organization of custom migration code within a project, promoting a structured and efficient approach to handling both content and configuration migrations.

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