Enhancing Drupal UI for Logged-In Users Using Tailwind Variant Classes

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ArthurHidden / Freepik

Randy Oest discusses enhancing the UI for logged-in users using Tailwind variant classes based on Drupal user roles in a Medium blog post. The redesign aims to modernize the Bits and Mortar Drupal website by customizing the UI according to user roles. 

Traditional Drupal tools, such as blocks, require extensive content switching. Tailwind’s addVariant function offers a more efficient solution by allowing custom CSS selectors to target user roles. 

Randy demonstrates creating variants with Tailwind, using .role-[shortRoleName], for example, role-auth:hidden. The process involves updating the tailwind.config.js file and adding roles relevant to Drupal. 

Additionally, setting role classes in Drupal requires modifying the theme’s MYTHEME.theme file to include a preprocess function that assigns role-specific classes to the body. This method streamlines styling, as illustrated with a logout button example using the custom variant. 

However, Randy advises judicious use of this approach, acknowledging that Drupal’s block system remains effective for showing diverse content based on user roles.

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