Ease Drupal Migration by Following These Steps

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Lakshman Kumar Pandey published a tutorial on LinkedIn Pulse titled “Updating Existing Nodes in Drupal Migration Suite: A Comprehensive Guide.” This guide outlines key steps to efficiently manage node updates in Drupal Migration Suite with Drush commands and YAML configurations. 

  1. Install Modules: Use Composer to install migrate_plus and migrate_tools.
  2. Setup Migration Config: Create a YAML file for source, process, and destination configurations.
  3. Execute Migration: Run the migration with drush migrate-import update_nodes.
  4. Validate Migration: Check updated nodes and roll back if necessary using drush migrate-rollback update_nodes.

For a smooth process, follow best practices like incremental migration, site backup, version control, and thorough documentation. To read the complete guide, check out LinkedIn.  

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