Setting Up a Local Development Environment with DDEV for Drupal Core Contributions

Setting Up a Local Development Environment with DDEV for Drupal Core Contributions

Mark Conroy's latest blog post details the process of setting up a local development environment using DDEV to contribute to Drupal Core. Unlike the straightforward process for contrib modules, contributing to Drupal core requires a more complex setup. Sponsored by Code Enigma, Mark revisits his core contribution efforts and shares a step-by-step guide to overcoming common setup issues. He describes installing DDEV, cloning the core repository, configuring DDEV for Drupal 10, and managing dependencies with Composer. 

Mark encountered an issue with the Drush installation due to version constraints in the root composer.json. He resolved this by using the --prefer-source Composer flag, ensuring the installation of the git versions of Drupal packages. This workaround simplifies the setup process, making it more efficient. 

Mark invites feedback from the community on their methods for setting up environments for Drupal core contributions.

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