Comparing Headless and Traditional CMS: Key Differences and Benefits

Comparing Headless and Traditional CMS: Key Differences and Benefits
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Design Shack recently shared a blog post titled "Headless vs Traditional CMS (Pros & Cons for Web Designers)" discussing the ongoing debate between headless and traditional content management systems (CMS). The main differences lie in flexibility and ease of use. Headless CMSs offer designers the freedom to choose their front-end frameworks, enabling more flexible designs, while traditional CMSs simplify the process of building and managing websites. The blog explores the benefits and downsides of both systems. 

Traditional CMSs like WordPress and Drupal are praised for their user-friendliness, all-in-one solutions, and affordability. Contrary to the popular construct, the blog post insists that they are ideal for small businesses, blogs, and simple websites. In contrast, headless CMSs like Sanity and Contentful provide better scalability, performance, and multi-channel content deployment, making them suitable for complex, large-scale projects. However, they come with higher costs and longer development times. Ultimately, the choice between headless and traditional CMS depends on the project's specific needs and goals.

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